Team Building Places Gardens

Team Building Places Gardens

Team Building Places Cape Town, Gardens is a suburb of Cape Town and  is directly beneath Table Mountain and Lion's Head. Gardens is an affluent area populated mostly by young professionals and contains numerous chic restaurants, hotels, boutique shops and loft apartments

Team Building Places Cape Town
Gardens is part of the City Bowl in Cape Town
Team Building Places Gardens, Gardens is part of the City Bowl in Cape Town. The City Bowl in Cape Town include the suburbs of Gardens, Bo-Kaap, De Waterkant, Foreshore, Tamboerskloof and Woodstock. The City Bowl is a natural amphitheater-shaped area bordered by Table Bay and defined by the mountains of Signal Hill, Lion's Head, Table Mountain and Devil's Peak

Gardens is located directly beneath Table Mountain and Lion's Head in the higher elevations of the City BowlRead more about Team Building Places South Africa