Team Building Places Green Point

Team Building Places Green Point

Team Building Places Cape Town, Green Point is a popular residential area for young professionals in Cape Town. Green Point also caters for the Cape Town gay and lesbian community with many LGBT guest houses, bars and night clubs

Team Building Places Cape Town
Green Point is part of the Atlantic Seaboard in Cape Town
Team Building Places Green Point, Green Point is part of the Atlantic Seaboard in Cape Town. The Atlantic Seaboard lies west of the Cape Peninsula and is an affluent area of Cape Town that faces the sunset. Popular beaches below the mountains of the peninsula include Bantry Bay, Camps Bay, Clifton, Fresnaye, Green Point, Hout Bay, Llandudno, Mouille Point, Sea Point, Scarborough, Kommetjie, Crayfish Factory Beach, Noordhoek, Sandy Bay, and Glen Beach

Green Point or Groenpunt is a central suburb of Cape Town to the north west of the city CBD. Read more about Team Building Places South Africa