Team Building Places Warmbaths

Team Building Places Warmbaths

Team Building Places Warmbaths, Warmbaths or Bela-Bela is a populat holiday resort in Limpopo, the name came from the geothermic hot springs around which the town was built, it was formerly called Warmbaths

Team Building Places Warmbaths
Hot Springs at Bela-Bela
Team Building Places Warmbaths, Warmbaths (or Bela Bela) is part of Limpopo. Limpopo include the towns of Louis TrichardtPolokwaneWarmbaths and may other small towns. Limpopo is named after the Limpopo River, and the capital is PolokwaneLimpopo has the highest level of poverty of any South African province

Bela-Bela get the most of its economic benefit from the natural hot springs with a range of resorts, and spas. The hot springs reach 53 degrees Celsius and claim to have multiple minerals with natural healing elements

Bela-Bela is an hour from Pretoria and less than two hours from JohannesburgRead more about Team Building Places South Africa